Saturday, March 21, 2020

High Blood Pressure free essay sample

#3 #3 Reason for admission: High blood pressure STUDENT: Jeannette Sutton PATIENT INITIALS: HPT ROOM #_____ Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for imbalanced fluid volume r/t decreased sodium level AEB patient taking hydrochlorothiazide. Supporting data: Thiazide drugs promote excretion of Na, CL, K and water. First time pt will be taking this drug. STG: Pt will maintain sodium levels of 135-145 by 1700hrs after taking initial dose this morning. Interventions: 1. Administer medication as prescribed in the morning. RATIONAL: medication is going to increase output which may cause the depletion of electrolytes. We will be able to see the change in Na by 1700hrs. 2. Monitor strict in out put of fluids. RATIONAL: to prevent dehydration and depletion of electrolytes. 3. Assess neuromuscular and LOC every 4-6 hrs. RATIONAL: low sodium will causes the pt to have muscle cramping, weakness, and fatigue. Teach pt adequate nutritional intake. RATIONAL: Eating the right foods will help the medication regime and disease process. We will write a custom essay sample on High Blood Pressure or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page #2 Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge deficit r/ disease process AEB pt newly diagnosed with high blood pressure and states not knowing ow to modify lifestyle. Supporting data: Pt diagnosed with high blood pressure. Pt stating doesn’t know how to modify lifestyle. STG: Pt will verbalize 3things that will help him manage disease process by 1700hrs today. Interventions: 1. Teach pt nutritional goals ie low in fat and cholesterol, low in salt; importance of exercise, and smoking cessation. RATIONAL: decrease risk of CHD 2. Instruct patient to take medication at the same time each day and not to stop taking it. RATIONAL: To prevent rebound hypertension. 3. Monitor and teach daily weigh ins. RATIONAL: A wt gain of 2lbs or more in one day can be an indicator of fluid retention and must be addressed to physician. 4. Assess blood pressure and teach patient how to adequately take weekly blood pressure. RATIONAL: Ensure medication is doing its job and another drug is not needed and to monitor BP levels. Good indicator if pt must contact physician. Evaluation: Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective tissue perfusion r/t cardiopulmonary AEB consistent elevated blood pressures of 160/90, increased cholesterol 278 and LDL 134, and abnormal ECG. Supporting data: 3 BP readings of 160/90 Cholesterol levels 200 LDL 100 STG: Pt will have adequate circulation status AEB strong peripheral pulses with no signs of edema by 1700 hrs today. Interventions: 1. Monitor for edema on extremities. RATIONAL: Complication of high BP can be Right sided CHF which in turn can cause peripheral edema. 2. Assess BP and pulses every 4-6 hrs. RATIONAL: Good indicator of complication with this patient. 3. Teach pt active ROM exercises. RATIONAL: promote peripheral circulation. 4. Administer hydrochlorothiazide as directed. RATIONAL: to decrease fluid overload and prevent edema. Evaluation: Clinical Assignments:

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